
The connection between music, creativity and good marketing

Good ideas are the foundation of any good marketing campaign, but finding inspiration isn't always easy. Listening to music can be a simple and effective way of imagining interesting marketing campaigns.

A wide range of stimuli have an impact on the human brain, which reacts to everything we see, smell, feel and even hear. This is particularly true of music, which releases hormones that make us happy and directly affects our feelings by making us cry, laugh, sing and dance. Studies have shown that music stimulates the brain and thus encourages creativity. Indeed, listening to music enhances alpha brain waves, the dominant brain waves when we are awake and relaxed. These waves encourage a state of relaxation but also concentration, which means a better level of focus.

Creativity as the foundation of any marketing campaign

That is where content marketing comes into play. After all, creativity and ideas are the foundation of any marketing campaign that wants to stand out from others and deliver innovative messages that have an impact on consumers. Creativity is, therefore, a crucial factor for inspiring and stimulating the development of new ideas. “Creativity is the backbone around which every project must build its ideas and plans. Without creativity, there is nothing to distinguish one marketing campaign from another”, explains Pravin Chandan, an online marketing expert with media platform Devidscourse.

Find inspiration using simple tricks

It is therefore important for marketing specialists to continue coming up with new ways of finding inspiration. Throughout the pandemic, many people were forced to work from home, in tight spaces. Remote working may have had a negative impact on creativity and therefore on how innovative campaigns are. According to Pravin Chandan, “the pandemic had us all boxed up, and that forced us to think in narrow spaces, which may have prevented us from looking for new ideas.” It therefore feels even more urgent to highlight ways of finding inspiration, such as music. And because you can listen to music wherever and whenever, it helps us to find good ideas at any time. 

Music is a question of taste

Studies have shown that classical baroque music, in particular, stimulates alpha waves that help creativity. The music should not contain any voices or singing either and be between around 56 to 64 beats per minute. It’s really about taste; the musical genre doesn’t matter so much. ”Answers to the question of what music people find most inspiring were so different that I think everyone had their own answer,” explained Pravin Chandan. The music we like is more likely to help us come up with creative marketing campaigns as it generates more emotion in us and therefore better ideas.


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