Native online

Your story, our passion

Feel free to call us storytellers. With 60 to 65 content marketing campaigns on a yearly base with distribution partners such as De Standaard, Knack magazine, la DH, Die Welt, 24Heures, Tribune de Genève, Tages Anzeiger, Bilanz… we already have a lot of neutral, thematic content.

What if we could find a way to combine these streams of earned, editorial content with your expertise stories sharing insights and inspiring our clients to inspire yours?

Digital platforms

Let us introduce you to our digital platforms which are formed by not only the above-mentioned streams of stories, but also by digital partners like you who we can bring forward with long read articles or native videos.

The process


We set up a nice environment where we listen to your needs and wishes.


People don’t buy what you do, but why you do it. So, what’s in it for them? And why these native advertisements? Together, we dive into your story behind the story and really pinpoint who you would like to reach, why and when.


Compelling story, keyword analysis, backlinks, and target audience definition. Together we bring these into vision.


Journalist interview, SEO optimisation, layout: it’s all included until you’re 200% happy with the result.


We love creating native content. But we prefer creating purposeful native content even more. And if there is a purpose, and you have a desired ROI, we will not only hand you over the desired ROI in the form of data, but also provide insights and analyses so we both learn and understand what’s happening, and more importantly why it’s happening.

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