Raising long-term
awareness about
a life-changing condition

Campaign: Fokus Prettige Dagen | December 2017 Distribution Channel: Knack Readers: 2.133.000 Customer: Alzheimer Liga Vlaanderen Business focus: Health Care Location: Belgium Smart Solutions: advertorial, native online article, video marketing

The holidays are the coziest time of the year. Being together with your loved ones and giving something back to society in the form of charity and volunteering, stay the main ingredients for a successful end of the year.

With Fokus Prettige Dagen we create a platform with the right experts to inspire over a million readers. By doing so, we help our readers to enjoy the holidays in a way that fits their personality. With the right ingredients, the holidays do not have to be complex or stressful at all!

We were happily surprised to see that our primary target group of young adults between 25 and 35 was reached perfectly, a group that was hard to target for us in the past.
Hilde Lamers
Alzheimer Liga Vlaanderen


For years, Alzheimer Liga Vlaanderen has been the main contact point for people with dementia, their informal caretakers, their relatives and family groups. And those caretakers and family groups are exactly the most important target group within a sensitization campaign about young dementia. Alzheimer Liga Vlaanderen found it hard to streamline and communicate their emotional message on the rather unknown condition of young dementia. They tried to do that while still keeping an eye on the positive, exactly what the brand values most itself. On top of that, targeting a younger audience to volunteer seemed difficult for the non-profit association. Together with Smart Media, they figured out the right approach.


Apart from raising awareness through an advertorial in Fokus 50+, Smart Media adviced Alzheimer Liga Vlaanderen to also use content marketing through video and communicate through an online native article to really get their message across. Video marketing is said to be 85% more effective in moving the viewer to undertake action, positive to the brand. Together with the native article that thoroughly explained the condition, Smart Media made a reportage with prof. dr. Sebastiaan Engelborghs, neurologist and expert in brain conditions, combined with real life stories of young dementia patients. This reportage was distributed along Smart Media’s online channels as well as the client’s channels to have maximum impact.


Our client thought their communication would mostly reach a target group within its 40’s, even though they set out to move young adults more. Since they did not think they would be able to target this audience, Alzheimer Liga Vlaanderen was happily surprised to see that adults between 25 and 35 were actually their primary target group. On top of that, the reportage on dementia really hit home. It gave a solid overview of the condition, while painting a positive, empowering picture towards viewers and especially the target group of informal caretakers. The video is being used in their general communication, as well as several events and symposiums on young dementia. That is how this Smart Media solution keeps on sensitizing its viewers with focus on a long-term impact.