Social Media

Content Marketing on LinkedIn – a crash course

LinkedIn is the professional platform par excellence, which makes it advantageous for content marketing too. Here's why. 

by Smart Media Agency BE | July 6, 2021

LinkedIn is known as the social network for professional contacts. Around 660 million users are active on the platform. Every self-respecting company also has a LinkedIn profile. It goes without saying that LinkedIn is therefore an advantageous platform for content marketing as well. In fact, it is more useful than any other for reaching decision-makers and companies. However, since it’s a professional environment, there are a few key points to take into account when engaging in content marketing on LinkedIn. 

Each to his own content

As with any content creation project, on LinkedIn, the target audience must be clearly defined. The following rule applies equally on this platform: the more specific the target audience is, the better. It is not only important to know in which sector the target group works, but also at what hierarchical level. Indeed, one would reach young professionals in a different way than decision-makers. Thus, to attract the attention of your target audience, it’s important to offer content that is relevant and appropriate. For example, for young professionals, advice on salary negotiations could be interesting content. On the other hand, decision-makers might be interested in new tools that allow them to maximise company productivity. In short, on LinkedIn, it’s each to his own content!

Being the centre of attention

For all content, the purpose must be also be clear. What is it supposed to achieve? If the aim is marketing a service or product, then a practical, professional approach focused on objectives will be preferred. Likewise, it’s important to never forget that the target audience on LinkedIn is mostly made up of professionals who don’t need the basics explained to them. They are more interested in solutions which enhance their daily work, their activities or their business.

Thus, if one wishes to build up the image of a company and carve out a prominent place in the minds of the target audience, LinkedIn is the ideal platform, because it opens up a vast range of possibilities and opportunities. For example, do you want to stay at the top of the news feed and attract the attention of your audience? Then think about status updates. These effectively allow you to stay at the centre of attention. Nevertheless, such updates should be short, concise and easy to read. If not, you run the risk of readers skimming quickly through them. Another important point: avoid posting updates too often, because that can become tedious. Checking in once or twice per day is enough.

Opinion leaders reach the readership

When one wishes to make a long-term impact on our target audience, it is essential to offer articles on subjects that are relevant to the sector that concerns us. Current articles on events, innovations and developments in our sector of activity will be more attractive to interested parties. Moreover, the higher the quality of the content, the more the company can position itself as an expert in its field and as a thought leader. For example, a company active in content marketing will certainly wish to publish interesting articles on this subject, which will lead readers to consider us as experts and to read the published content more willingly.

Since good content encourages readers to discuss and share it, creating one or two well researched, high-quality articles allows any company to stay at the centre of the discussion. Even one “like” creates a new audience, because the reactions are also displayed on the network of the person concerned. That creates an impact in no time!

On LinkedIn, videos are also a popular and attractive medium. In this case too, the content depends on the target. A peek behind the scenes of the company, a product presentation or short workshops are also effective ways of attracting audience attention on LinkedIn.


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